The Start of The Grand Old Party
The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act,[14] which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories. The party supported classical liberalism, opposed the expansion of chattel slavery, and supported economic reform.[15][16] Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Under the leadership of Lincoln and a Republican Congress, chattel slavery was banned in the United States in 1865. The Party was generally
A Short Biography
What We Believe
Low Taxes Helps individuals and families have the ability to pool themselves out of poverty and create opportunity
The First Amendment after the 2-second amendment is the most important we should have the right to voice our opinions without fear of appraisal from our government.
The strength of our nation lies with the individual and each person’s dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility must be honored..
Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.
All humans are born with unalienable Rights and that includes the unborn, we as a society need to protect those who are voiceless and can’t defend them selves
The government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more money they earn.
Is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.
Free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth, and prosperity.
Meet our committee
The Republican Party of Stanislaus County (RPSC) Central Committee consists of 23 members and 6 Ex-Officials.
Each member is elected to a 4 Year Term
Elections for the Central Committee are held during Presidential Primary
An Associate has privileges such as staying for business meeting, receive internal committee business emails to see how to become a please see full details here
A vacancy occurs when a member resigns, at which time a seat becomes available for an appointment.
In order to be considered for an appointment a member must be a registered Republican for 1 Year.
District | Member | Role | Alternate |
1 | Nancy Hinton | Member | Todd Kleinert |
1 | Bob Cain | Member | Kent Higgins |
1 | Jay Gilbert | Member | Donald Riise |
1 | Michelle Tomlinson | Membership Chair | Kevin Reimman |
1 | Earnie Johnson | Treasurer | Vacant |
1 | Michael Wood | Caucus Chair | Emma Alonzo |
2 | Kelly Thompson | Caucus Chair | Luzanne Shapley |
2 | Thomas Pannier | Member | Vacant |
2 | Christan Santos | Member | Paola Maldonado |
2 | Patrick Shields | Vice-Chair | Jeramy Young |
2 | Ryan Taylor | Member | Bryant Hipolito |
3 | Joel Campos | Chairman | Ysidore (Easy) Martinez |
3 | Roman Messick | Secretary | Olivia Gil |
3 | Doug Buchanan | Caucus Chair | Vacant |
3 | Becky Taliaferro | Member | Vacant |
4 | Samuel Bosshardt | Member | Rueth Langrock |
4 | Jake Kliatchko | Member | Sophia Kliatchko |
4 | Sandra Williams | Caucus Chair | Karen Knox |
4 | Kyle Westphal | Treasurer | Jeff Silven |
5 | Javier Lopez | Caucus Chair | Yoshi Trujillo |
5 | Daniel Martinez | Member | Mia Barajas |
5 | Carlos Roque | Member | Eric Sheetz |
Ex-Officio | Heath Flora | AD-9 | Vacant |
Ex-Officio | Juan Alanis | AD-22 | Justin Farkas |
Ex-Officio | Tom McClintock | CD-5 | Lydia Kanno |
Ex-Officio | Kevin Lincoln | CD-9 | Nick Dokoozlian |
Ex-Officio | John Duarte | CD-13 | Davian Padilla |
Ex-Officio | George Radanovich | SD-4 | Joyce Francis |
Associate | District 1 | None | |
Associate | District 1 | None | |
Associate | District 1 | None | |
Associate | District 2 | None | |
Associate | District 2 | None | |
Associate | District 3 | None | |
Associate | District 3 | None | |
Associate | District 4 | None | |
Associate | District 4 | None | |
Associate | District 4 | None |